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Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Show Me The Money?

Well Skype seems to be attracting a lot of what they call 'unsolicited and undersireable' attention at the moment. As Andy Abramson at VoIPWatch puts it:

"the 30+ page Streamcast Networks complaint against Skype.... reads as much like a Hollywood film treatment that needs to star Paul Newman as the attorney ala his roles in "The Verdict" or "Absence of Malice."

What's it all about? Well Om Malik puts it pretty bluntly:

Earlier today, when I asked a smart attorney about the Skype-Streamcast fracas, aka the RICO suit, he said that most civil (RICO) suits are about three things - money, money, and money.

Well, well, well, what a lot of dirty washing there seems to be in the back room af such a clean and easy to use technology. TechDirt has, as you might deduce from the name, most of the low-down on this one.